Engage your community with your page

1. Build & engage your community
With Shotgun, our ticketing service provider, get closer to your community with your organizer page. Customize and share your page listing all your upcoming events to engage your community on Shotgun and give your social media a boost. As part of our marketing automation, your followers will be instantly notified when you publish a new event:
- More advanced sales
- More user engagement
- More retention

2. Customize your page to match your identity
- Upload a cover image in 16:9 format, with an image that gives a first impression of the atmosphere of your events or the identity of your brand for a more attractive and immersive experience
- Write a catchy description
- Don't forget to specify your regular location
- Add your social media links
- Install your Meta pixel ID to track your page traffic and retarget your audience
- Embed our page on your website as your upcoming events listing
For more information on how to customize your organizer page, you can watch our tutorial.

3. Let your followers know when publishing an event
Through our ticketing app (Android, iOS) or website, Shotgun users can follow your page and decide wether they want to get notified on mobile, receive your newsletters or both. Your followers will be automatically added to your contacts. The subscription to an organizer allows the user to benefit from direct and privileged access to the ticketing of their favorite events, it creates a unique exciting momentum.
The famous open air venue in Paris named La Clairière had the chance to beta test the feature for their season opening. When they launched their first event, their followers received an instant notification on their mobile allowing them to sell 1/4 of their first gauge within the app the 2 days following the notification.
“We sold 20% of the gauge with the followers notification!” - Gianni, La Clairière, Paris

4. Increase customer loyalty and early buyers
By personalizing and sharing your Shotgun page, you'll engage a commited community, and learn to know it better. Retain it thanks to the various marketing tools within our paltform (mobile notification, notifications, newsletter, reminder, waiting list, secure resale, etc.) to ensure more early sales and secure your productions.

Now, let's dive into it.
We are a human size company with a global team dispatched in our offices in France (Paris, Marseille), in Iberia (Lisbon), in Brazil (São Paulo) and in the US (New York, Miami).