Product news

Gather feedback from attendees

Discover our new after event survey to improve your future events !
Julia Dousse
July 3, 2023
2 min to read

Try the After event survey

One way to improve your future events is by gathering feedback from attendees. You can do this by providing surveys to be filled out at the end of the event. That is why, we have set up a new feature called Satisfaction survey, to automatically reach out to attendees after the event via email and ask for their thoughts and suggestions.

Improve your event with Satisfaction survey

How to launch it?

The process on the organizer end is very simple.

  1. Log in to your Smartboard account and click on the chosen event
  2. Go to the section Satisfaction survey
  3. Merely click on Activate survey
  4. Validate your choice by clicking once again on Activate survey

The attendees will receive the survey by email from Shotgun usually 35 hours after the end of the event. You will be able to see ratings and individual responses in that same section.

Ratings by thematic

What do you need to know?

The survey is not editable by the organizer. Each questionnaire follows the same template

Attendees can rate from 0 to 5 different thematics (lineup, sound system, venue, security, and accessibility)

When rating 3 or less, they can specify the reason by choosing one of the options proposed or else

Survey with low satisfaction

Attendees can add a final comment

The survey is anonymous and one email address can fill it one time only

To know more about this feature, check out our video tutorial.

Now that you know how to use the satisfaction survey, you can gain valuable insights on how to improve your events. By analyzing the results of the survey, you can identify specific areas that need improvement. Once you have identified these areas, you can start addressing them and elevate your parties to the next level! Discover more tips on how to sell your event.

Launch the survey now!


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